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June 15, 2007
Me....as a Dad
Fathers Day is this Sunday. The only reason I know this is because it's the U.S. Open golf championship weekend. Not something I keep on my calendar or want any special recognition for. Don't misunderstand, I absolutely love being a dad, but being a "good dad" seems to be getting tougher and tougher. Thinking back to when I was growing up, it seemed to be pretty clear cut. In an age where men knew their roles and were happy with them; go out, get a job, make money, put a roof over the kids head, have a martini after work, read the paper after work and do yard work around the house on the weekends. Occasionally there was the obligatory throw of the baseball for a half hour or so. Now, in the age of enlightenment and expanded consciousness with the help of Dr. Spock, there are parent teachers conferences, one on one quality time, talks about life, mandatory family time, etc, etc. More quality time with our children in the early years helps better form them as a young adult, yada, yada, yada. No pressure there huh. I'm not sure that I'd rather be a Dad in the 60's or Dad in the '00s but either way I'm glad that I had a great dad, and that I'm being a great dad to my three kids. I look at my kids and quietly smile at how amazing they are and know that they will have incredible lives as they get older. Thank god for my wife.
June 15, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack