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January 15, 2007

10 Degrees F, Feels Like 50 F

Most weather stations/sites have a little add to the daily temperatures, namely ..."feels like." The feels like temperature takes into account things like humidity, wind, etc, etc. I never really understood it. To make matters worse, temperature is always measured in the shade, that way the direct sunlight doesn't alter the temperature reading. I don't understand why they do that either. In a Colorado winter like we're having where the temperature is 10 degrees F the last thing I want to do is to be in the shade. On Saturday I was yet again snow blowing the driveway after 4" or so accumulation Friday eve. Saturday was a beautiful day, sunny, bright blue sky and I found myself sweating while maneuvering my snow blower under the sun in 10 degree weather, that is until I went around to the back yard to clear a sidewalk in the shade. I could have literally worn a t-shirt and shorts while in the sun on Saturday - or something close to that. Try to do that in 10 degree weather in Buffalo!

January 15, 2007 in Weblogs | Permalink


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Great work.

Posted by: Mona | Oct 27, 2008 3:33:26 PM

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