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November 14, 2006
NBC Nightly News does Web 2.0
I TIVO NBC Nightly News - I like Brian Williams. Tonight they promoted the fact that podcast versions of the broadcast will be available at 10:00pm ET every night. How cool is that! Now I can subscribe to that podcast as an RSS feed, watch it on my video IPOD (if I had one - hint Christine. Christmas is coming up) or watch it on my PC. And soon my cell phone. Ah, no longer tied to my TV.
Also - I was reading the paper (as archaic as that may sound to some) and there was a great article on Level 3 and CEO Jim Crowe talking about where Level 3 was heading. He indicated that "the future is all about delivery (bandwidth) and content." With companies like NBC getting hip to 2.0 he's right on point. Level 3 at $5.75/share and companies like Akamai that store and optimize content on the web at $49/share have got to be very well positioned. I just set a reminder to check back in on this 12 months from now.
November 14, 2006 | Permalink
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Do you really want the video ipod???
Posted by: Christine | Nov 27, 2006 4:16:23 PM
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