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June 30, 2006

World Cup goes Dry??

Last night while watching NBC Nightly News (TiVo'd of course) there was a snip-it about the possibility of Germany running out of beer during the World Cup. That they severely underestimated the about of potential consumption during the planning process. There was also a reference to the fact that the English soccer fans are consuming more beer than anyone - an average of 15 beers per day! Woah.

But according to world beer stats, the Czech Republic wins hands down. They drink almost 2 times as much beer per person than does the US. And....Electronic Arts just ran a soccer simulation for the World Cup and the Czechs won!!

But wait, there's even more beer/World Cup news. The tournament's clear favorite on the football pitch, Brazil, is a rank amateur in the beer world, registering about 47 liters per person per year, a pitiful 33rd place. Italy, whose national team is also another tournament favorite, doesn't even rank within the top 35 beer-drinking countries, according to 2004 figures.

Sports at its best.

June 30, 2006 | Permalink


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