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January 10, 2006
Mind, Body, Spirit
A couple of years ago I started doing Bikrahm Yoga which I did for 6 months or so. I was in pretty good shape from it. Believe it or not it really does strengthen your "core" and build you from the inside out. I stopped because the local studio went out of business.
Today I re-engaged with Yoga as a part of my "you better get your fat ass, you're stressed out mind and your lost spirit" back in shape before you keel over routine going (drinking Tequila in Cabo only went so far). I've always kept "semi active", running, lifting weights, swimming, etc but more on an add hoc basis - hasn't done the trick. So today was Iyengar Yoga at lunch - and now I can barely freaking move. Tomorrow is Hatha Yoga followed by an intensive of Vinyasa Yoga on Thursday. I don't know if I buy all the "this pose twists your left kidney so you will now be enlightened through your bowel movements somehow" jargon but I certainly do hurt a lot from it so something must be working.
January 10, 2006 in Biographical, Weblogs | Permalink
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I didn't know you did Bikram! I'm a 5-7 day per week Bikram doer. Going on 4 years. Lost alot of weight about 60 lbs. I just travel from Tequesta, West Palm, Del Ray, down to Key West doing Bikram and drinking wheatgrass, surfing etc. What's new?
Posted by: mike ciaccio | Feb 19, 2008 12:32:09 PM
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