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January 27, 2006

Get on Board the China love train

While on a rather long and exhaustive flight yesterday I got caught up on some reading, some statistics - I love statistics. In the Thursday US Edition of USA Today there was a little stat that should have caught your eye. 200 million Chinese children are learning the English language in school - WOW! Pathetically, only 20,000, that's right, twenty thousand US children are learning Chinese in school. Here are some stats that might have you pull your kid out of Spanish and have them reading Mandarin.

- First and foremost, the population of China is 1.5 billion - 300 million in the US.

- The Chinese economy grew at 9.9 % in 2005. In 2006 it grew 10.1%

- Chinese trade surplus was $109billion in 2005. US runs a $700billion deficit

- China has 111million Internet users, ALREADY!!

- China has 350 million mobile phone users currently. They expect 490million by end of 2006.

If you have a young child, and want them to be successful in business, have them learn Chinese.

January 27, 2006 in Current Affairs, Travel | Permalink


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